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Solutions for Itchy Skin: Understanding Causes and Remedies to Restore Healthy Skin


by Reichpharm

Hong Kong's weather is unpredictable, with frequent fluctuations in temperature and humidity. These changes can lead to dry skin, redness, itching, and sensitivity. It can trigger seasonal eczema in severe cases, especially in patients with weaker skin barriers, such as the elderly and infants. Itching can become unbearable at night, causing the skin to peel, bleed, and even fail to respond to eczema creams.


What Causes Itchy Skin?

Skin itching occurs when the skin encounters foreign substances, triggering an excessive immune response. It can be a symptom or a condition, and the possible underlying diseases include:

  1. Atopic Dermatitis: Caused by genetic defects leading to skin barrier dysfunction, resulting in sensitivity to external allergens, dryness, itching, and flaking.
  2. Urticaria: Triggered by allergens such as stale seafood, dust mites, pollen, or dust.
  3. Contact Dermatitis: Caused by exposure to chemicals or cosmetics.
  4. Dyshidrosis: The cause is unclear, but triggers include metals like nickel, cobalt, and chromium, as well as factors like lack of sleep, smoking, and cleaning products.
  5. Eczema: Itching or skin inflammation generally falls under the category of eczema, which has triggers that include food, climate, pollution, and even emotions.
  6. Photodermatitis: Caused by sun exposure, leading to skin itching.
  7. Drug Allergies: Skin reactions due to medication allergies.

Other factors that may aggravate or trigger skin allergies include certain foods (e.g., mangoes, stale seafood, kiwifruit, bamboo shoots), temperature changes, and humidity. Any contact with external substances can cause skin itching.

What Causes Itchy Skin?

Symptoms of Skin Itching

Skin Itching

  • Red rashes may appear on the skin.
  • Rashes might be raised, red, hot, and painful.
  • Small blisters may form, oozing fluid.
  • The skin may dry, scab, peel, and thicken in severe cases.

Location of Rashes

  • Localized red spots on the skin.
  • Commonly found on the face, chest, back, and limbs.

Itchy Urticaria

  • Irregular, varying-sized swollen welts or scratches.
  • The swelling may be red, hot, and painful.
  • Severe cases can lead to angioedema.

Skin Cracks

  • Grid-like dry patterns on the skin.
  • Wrinkles or flaking may occur.
  • Typically seen on the lower legs, outer limbs, joints, and waist.

Symptoms of Skin Itching

Why Does Scratching Make Itchy Skin Worse?

The main reason scratching intensifies itching is the “Itch-Scratch Cycle.”

Why Does Scratching Make Itchy Skin Worse?

When eczema flares up, the itching sensation is irresistible, prompting scratching. However, the skin is already very fragile at this stage, and nails can easily break the skin, introducing bacteria from the fingers and causing infections. Infected wounds worsen eczema symptoms, causing skin pain and further inflammation, exacerbating the itching. This creates a vicious cycle.
During acute eczema flare-ups, it’s crucial to stop scratching. If the itching is unbearable, consider using quick-relief methods.

Quick Relief for Itchy Skin

If you prefer not to use medication for itching, you can try cold compresses and wet wraps to reduce the discomfort of acute eczema and alleviate the stinging sensation.

Cold Compress for Itch Relief

If eczema causes skin pain and itching, use ice cubes or wet a towel, place it in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes, and then apply it to the affected area. Cold compresses constrict blood vessels, reducing itching and soothing inflammation.

Cold Compress for Itch Relief

If eczema causes skin pain and itching, use ice cubes or wet a towel, place it in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes, and then apply it to the affected area. Cold compresses constrict blood vessels, reducing itching and soothing inflammation.

Steps for Cold Compress Relief

Step 1: Apply the cold compress to the affected area.
Step 2: Constrict the blood vessels.
Step 3: Reduce skin sensitivity immediately.
Step 4: Relieve the itching sensation.

Steps for Cold Compress Relief

Why Is Itchy Skin Worse at Night?

The human body secretes anti-inflammatory hormones like corticosteroids and adrenal cortical hormones in the morning. At night, the secretion or concentration decreases, exacerbating issues like urticaria. Additionally, during the day, activities distract you from the itching, while at night, the senses are more sensitive, and allergens from bedding, clothing, or food can increase, making the itching more intense.

Relieve eczema with Wasser® Dermatitis Cream 7%

Ectoin® repairs particles, which can form an efficient barrier to resist the invasion of foreign molecules. In addition, it is added with ingredients such as “Symcalmin,” an oat extract developed in Germany. It is free of steroids, artificial colors, fragrances, and preservatives, suitable for long-term use. It is ideal for all age groups, including infants aged 28 days, and can be applied around the eyes without irritation, relieving itching.

Wasser® Dermatitis Cream 7%

**Friendly reminder:
If impairment of the skin condition occurs during treatment, or if the condition does not improve even after long-term treatment, discontinue treatment and consult your healthcare provider.

**Friendly reminder:
Consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist for advice before using this product if you are:
1.Pregnant or breastfeeding.
2.Infants or children.